Crandall25: When a being loves another being

Wat’s wildin y’all?!? Soz i haven’t kept up in a good while, but all is well yo! How’s everythang? As for me, I’ve been crackin everyday – been doin some commissions lately for videos ///` time consuming, but i love doin it ❤

Just some things I be thinkin about… like when someone loves someone something else. Love is a powerful feeling… a powerful thing that can make a being go insane… As they say: love is a sickness, or one can get “love sickness/love sick”. Yet, this sickness is treated as one of the most beautiful things something can happen to a living being.

Why is that? Hmm… I’d like to discuss this thing called love. Based on my opinion and experience, it all starts with them attraction –  may that be a physical or them emotional attraction… but before we even get to what attracts one another, I have to make a point about love.

We ALL have the ability to love – I feel that it be an innate thing within us as soon as we be born. While it may seem that some people be dark, evil, bad in nature, they all have the ability to love.

Now, back to attraction. While we all have them ability to love, we need this “love” to be triggered within us through someone/something’s physical or emotional attraction. Here be some examples: you see a movie that you really vibe with cuz it was filmed in a such an aesthetically pleasing way that made you really love it. In that case, you love that movie for it’s physical appearance. Another example; you see a person that you find really physically attractive. You talk to them and you find that you both vibe really well. In that case, you love that person for their physical and emotional attraction.

While we have two traits that we find attractive – physical and emotional – I also feel that there are much more things to find attractive… but physical and emotional attraction are the two main roots. But then that begs the question: can we control what we love?

Do we, as beings of this universe, have a choice as to what we love? This be a controversial question, one that has been asked and discussed many times. What do you think…?

Gotta crack now, but thanks for wildin here. Love y’all, peace, love, unity ~~~`


3 thoughts on “Crandall25: When a being loves another being

    1. COACH, I assume this is you…..? lmao yeah, that’s how i normally talk, but when i’m typing fast, i talk more ‘formal’ for some reason XD thanks for reading and the comment ❤


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